
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

LEFTOVER CUTIES - Game Called Life

It's so hard to turn your life over
Step out of your comfort zone
It's so hard to choose one direction
When your future is unknown

Is this some kind of a joke, will someone wake me up soon?
And tell me this was just a game we played, called life.

Are we, are we all really slaves?
By the hands of ourselves
Did I really make all of those mistakes?
Am I really getting older?
Then why do I feel so lost?

Is this some kind of a joke, will someone wake me up soon?
And tell me this was just a game we played, called life.

And at the end of the road, is there someone waiting?
Do I get a medal for surviving this long?

Is this some kind of a joke, will someone wake me up soon?
And tell me this was just a game we played, called life.

Is this some kind of a joke, will someone wake me up soon?
And tell me this was just a game we played, called life.

p/s: saya rasa semua orang, in 1 way or another, must have asked all these questions in our life kan? ;) moga kita ketemu jawapan!

Owh Bukan.

Bukan tak sayang
Bukan tak kasih
Namun saat kau,
Senantiasa asyik tenggelam timbul
Hilang dalam dunia plastikmu
Maka sila pergi
Saat ini juga kasih mu
Ku usir jauh
Ku bakulsampahkan
Ke medan galaksi terjauh
Moga tak terjangkit LAGI dek virus kasih mu.


Dan menangis LAGI
Wajah kamu sepi
Lantas hati luluh LAGI
Dan saat,
kau ulang perangai jahanam bajingan mu,
Tertipu LAGI aku!!!

soalan II

Wajar atau tidak
Tak mungkin bisa
Tak mungkin mampu
Tak mungkin sanggup
Tuk melupus ingatan rindu pada mu....


Dan tertanya diri
Wajar tidak untuk terus merindu
Pada yang tak mengerti?
Pada yang tak tahu?

mana mungkin

Dan tertaut lagi rindu
Yang dulu ku rasa mati
Yang dulu ku fikir hilang
Mana mungkin
Untuk aku bisa lupa
Pada sesuatu yang bernama kamu!