
Sunday, May 15, 2011

I, at any rate, am convinced that GOD does not throw dice.

the above is one of my all time favorite quote from albert einstein. the man admitted that the more he studies the universe, the more he's convinced of the existence of a higher power. coming from Einstein, that is truly something that all atheist out there should think about? :)

anyhow, seen the below pic?hehe.yup! the famous classic-tongue-showing pic of the man. well, i was curious with the pic (it's like the permanently etched picture of him that's ingrain in my head-note:that's how long i've been exposed to this picture!n still know nothing about it..hurm..mystery..), so i took the liberty of googling when it was taken (mane lar tau kalo2 mase nih die tgk mabuk2 ke, tgk giler penat xjumpe2 jawapan teori relativity die tuh ke,ntah2 org photoshop keh~)
owh, rupe-rupenye, this pakcik apparently stuck out his tongue on his 72nd birthday bash (March 14, 1951) for a UPI photographer, Arthur Sasse, a special pose i would say as he had been so tired of smiling that day, so Sasse  asked for yet another smile, Einstein decided against the serious-conventional-academician-formal-smiley.

owh, now i noe!

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